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Car Accident

Treatments for a Herniated Disc Following a Car Accident

November 10, 2011

As a result of a car accident, you may suffer from a herniated disc. This injury is often very painful and makes daily life difficult.

If you or a loved one experiences a herniated disc following a Rockford car crash, read below or call an Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer in IL.

The following is a list of eight common treatments after a herniated disc injury:

  1. Short period of rest
  2. Pain medication, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, muscle relaxants, steroids, and narcotic pain killers
  3. Physical therapy
  4. Changes to the diet to lose weight and reduce the strain on the spine
  5. Exercise regimen to tone muscles
  6. Avoidance of heavy lifting or twisting for a minimum of 6 weeks following the Rockford car accident
  7. Steroid injections into the herniated discs to reduce swelling and relieve symptoms
  8. Surgery

In addition to treating the herniated disc, treatments may also be required to address complications from the condition.

Potential complications from a herniated disc include:

  1. Long term back pain
  2. Loss of movement in legs or feet
  3. No feeling in legs or feet
  4. Loss of bowel function
  5. Loss of bladder function

Treatments for herniated discs can be very expensive. In addition, the reduced quality of life and loss of income associated with complications of a herniated disc can take a significant toll on the victim.

For information about herniated discs and possible claims and damages, contact an experienced Rockford spinal cord injury attorney at (847) 651-7191.

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