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Brain Injury

Subdural hemorrhage From Trauma Car Accident or Fall

July 20, 2019

For a Car Accident Chicago Subdural Hemorrhage Lawyer, Contact Cullotta Law Offices – Located in Glenview & Chicago, IL at 847-651-7191

What is a Subdural Hemorrhage & can a car accident or fall cause it?

 Most subdural hemorrhages results from trauma to the head during a car accident or Fall . The trauma damages tiny veins within the meninges. CT scan can also identify the location and amount of bleeding in brain and any other injuries to the brain, skull or neck.

How Younger vs. Older People Suffer A Subdural Hemorrhage 

  • Younger healthy people more likely sustain a Subdural Hemorrhage from a serious auto accident. This type of impact might occur in a high-speed motor vehicle accident.  On the other hand, older people are more susceptible to bleed after minor trauma, such as fall out of a bed or a chair; more common if taking a blood thinner medication.

Acute vs Chronic Subdural Hemorrhage :

Acute subdural hemorrhage usually develops shortly after a severe head trauma from blood accumulates rapidly, causing pressure to rise within the brain.This pressure can cause paralysis, loss of consciousness and even death.  

Usually, in the minutes to hours after head injury, the person recovers consciousness. There is a gradually lose of consciousness again, this time from subdural bleeding.  

Symptoms of Acute Subdural may include:

    • Severe headache
    • Seizures, weakness on one side of the body 
    • Changes in vision or speech. 

Chronic Subdural hemorrhage  occurs when bleeding develops slowly  – over a period of weeks to months – it is known as a chronic subdural hemorrhage.

Symptoms of Chronic Subdural hemorrhage may include:

    • loss of balance or difficulty walking
    • weakness
    • numbness or tingling in arms or legs 

These symptoms may continue for more than a month before diagnosis is recognized.  Some symptoms caused by chronic subdural hemorrhage can look like other common medical conditions.  For example,  the gradual memory decline and personality changes can be mistaken for dementia. 

Anyone who experienced a Chicago or Illinois traumatic brain injury should Contact our  Chicago brain injury attorney.  
Cullotta Law Offices specializes in head trauma and traumatic brain injury resulting from a motorcycle or car accident in IL.

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2624 Patriot Blvd. Glenview, IL 60026 Phone: 847-651-7191