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Car Accident

Impact of Chicago Brain Injuries Depends on Side of Brain Damaged

October 14, 2011

While many people understand that the severity of a Chicago traumatic brain injury impacts the magnitude of side effects, few realize that the side of the brain impacted is equally as important. Each side of the brain is responsible for different functions. Accordingly, damage to either the left or right side of the head will result in differing side effects.

Right Side Traumatic Brain Injury
According to the American Brain Injury Institute, the right side of the brain is responsible for the following functions:

  • Creativity
  • Imagination
  • General, conceptual, figurative, and big picture thinking
  • Intuition
  • Empathy

If the Chicago head trauma injures the neurons, nerve tracts, or sections of the right hemisphere, the victim may lose some or all of the functions that the right side of the brain controls. The impairment may be temporary or permanent, partial or complete.

Left Side Traumatic Brain Injury
The American Brain Injury Institute lists the functions of the left side of the brain as follows:

  • Organization
  • Analytical, literal, sequential and logical thinking
  • Precise and repetitive movements or thoughts
  • Focus on details
  • Scientific aptitude
  • Emotional detachment

Similar to the right side, if the head trauma injures the neurons, nerve tracts, or sections of the left hemisphere, the victim may lose some or all of the functions that the left side of the brain controls. The damage may be permanent or it may be improved through rehabilitation.

Regardless of which side of your brain is affected, a Chicago brain injury attorney may help you recover damages to accommodate the expenses and lost income associated with the trauma. For a complimentary consultation, fill out our online form or call our office at (847) 651-7191.

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