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Cook County Brain Injuries Linked to Development of Schizophrenia

September 29, 2011

A new study performed at the Royal College of Surgeons reveals a link between Cook County traumatic brain injuries and schizophrenia. The study found that victims of a traumatic brain injury are 160% times more likely to develop the disease than those who have never suffered a head trauma. Even more alarming, those victims who also had a family history of schizophrenia are 280% more likely to develop the disease.

It has long been known that long term side effects of Cook County brain injuries include psychological disabilities such as anxiety disorders, depression, and substance abuse. Many studies have analyzed these links, along with the potential link with schizophrenia. The Royal College researchers compiled and analyzed the data collected by these studies to achieve their results. As part of their findings, the researchers also revealed that the risks did not increase proportionately with the severity of the brain injury. This suggests that more analysis of other factors pertaining to head trauma, such as the location of the injury, may help to explain the link.

While this study confirms the link between TBI and schizophrenia, it is possible that the link may not be the cause of development of the disease. For example, the brain injury victim may already be in the early stages of schizophrenia. Similarly, the TBI may merely be the trigger that activates the victim’s genetic predisposition to the disease.

Contact a Chicago area Cook County brain injury attorney for more information about the risks associated with head trauma accidents. Call our office at (847) 651-7191 or fill out our online form for a complimentary consultation.

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